Press Cutting

Yesterday was a great day in the history of Kemnay. It is already well known that Mr Fyfe gifted a handsome clock to be placed in the spire of the U.F. Church.

The clock, which bears in front, on a silver plate, the following inscription -- “Presented by John Fyfe, Esq., 1904” was supplied by a Royal tradesman, Mr John Stevenson, 55a St Nicholas Street, Aberdeen, late of Schoolhill. At four o’ clock precisely yesterday afternoon Mr Fyfe, in presence of a large gathering, set the pendulum of the clock in motion, and when the striking of the hour ceased the bell rang forth a joyous peal in order to announce the auspicious event, which was further proclaimed by a display of flags throughout the village. On the call of Mr A.S.Weir, druggist, cheers again and again renewed were raised for Mr Fyfe. The company then adjourned to the Public Hall, where the occasion was celebrated by a cake and wine banquet. The tables were tastefully laid by Mrs Petrie, assisted by several ladies. The chairman, Dr Henry, was supported by Mr Burnett of Kemnay, Mr Fyfe, and Rev A Hood Smith. The chairman, in proposing the health of Mr Fyfe, and success to the clock, said Mr Fyfe had gifted a clock which he believed was second to none in the kingdom -- a clock that would go and keep time for a hundred years. Mr Fyfe expressed the pleasure it gave him to be present. He had been long connected with Kemnay -- 45 years now -- and he felt a desire to supply a clock, which he trusted would give every satisfaction. Other toasts followed.