In the large hall of Kemnay H.G. Public School on Sunday afternoon the Very Rev. Sir George Adam Smith, Principal of Aberdeen University, unveiled a memorial to those belonging to the parish of Kemnay who fell in the war. The memorial takes the form of a massive oak frame, in the centre of which is the representation of an angel who holds in her hand the dove of peace – the names and photographs of the 60 men and one woman (Nurse Durno) being placed on either side of the angel. There was a large audience.

Sir George, who was introduced by Mr A. S. Weir, unveiled the memorial, which was covered by the Union Jack, and read out the 61 names on the tablet. After the dedicatory prayer, the Principal delivered an eloquent and impressive address.

The praise was led by the combined choirs of the Parish and U.F. Churches – Miss C. Bremner presiding at the piano.

The relatives of the deceased soldiers were accommodated with seats in front of the memorial, the ex-service men being seated immediately behind.

On the tablet in gilt letters is the following inscription: --

"In loving memory.

"To the men of Kemnay Parish who in the Great War gave their lives in the cause of humanity.

"1914 – 1919."